Saturday, November 1, 2008

Lipstick Jungle

Have you ever wondered why shows like Sex and The City, Desparate Housewives and the latest Lipstick Jungle are so popular for women? I have seen them all. Sometimes I giggle. Sometimes I cry. And sometimes I say "what a waste of time this show is". But I always go back to watching. It is not about sex. It is not about a city? It is not about being desparate. And it is most definately not about lipstick. The truth is there is a connection between these women that we all crave. The feeling that we are there for one another through all of lives challenges and successes. It is this feeling of connectedness and empathy we crave. And often think we will get from men. When you think logically about connectedness through empathy how can a man really understand. The are simply wired differently so their experiences are vastly different.

A girlfriend the other day was complaining about a friend of hers and how she is always picking the wrong men and thinking they will solve all her problems. I call it the knight in shining armor phenomenon. So where do we get this fantasy that our fairy prince will support, love, understand and honor us forever? We can definately attribute some of it to Disney. However, some of it just may be DNA. I have been very deliberate in raising my daughter with a sense of reality when it comes to relationships. Some may even think alittle to much allowing her to grow up too fast. My desire is that she is realistic in intimate relationships. She has experienced divorce. I have been open with her regarding my challenges in my current marriage. She is not naive. But at the end of the day she believes in Cinderella and believes that she too while meet her prince. And who am I to diminish her dream? How do you tell her that love is not black or white? How do I explain that you need to have different types of love? But most of all (since I have not been very successful at it) how do I share with her the importance of female life long connectedness and the sharing of lives lessons. There is a place for romantic love but it is not the only love we need. My true wish for her is to live a life that has experienced the fullness and richness of unconditional friendships with girlfriends.
Friends are forever.
Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, Samantha, Susan, Lynette, Bree, Gabby, Nico, Wendy and Victory

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