Monday, January 5, 2009

Why Pray if Things are Going Great

It is interesting that we pray the least when we need it the most. When times are good we keep ourselves so busy that we forget about prayer. Life is an ebb and flow and when times are good they will flow the other way soon. Then we pray and expect miracles for ourselves because we are struggling. I am guilty of this. And what I realized is that I am only praying for myself if it only comes to mind when I struggle. If I was praying with the intent of something outside myself I would be doing it all the time. So my new years resolution is to pray more. And I will always find a place in prayer for others.
I received these two prayers today from my website today and I would like to share them with you.

I just wanted to tell everyone that I am so grateful to have each of you in my life. May everyone who received this message be blessed. Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost, just a lot of reward. Make sure you pray, and pray believing God will answer. May today be all you need it to be. May the peace of God and the freshness of the Holy Spirit rest in your thoughts, rule in your dreams tonight, and conquer all your fears. May God manifest himself today in ways you have never experienced. May your joys be fulfilled, your dreams be closer, and your prayers be answered. I pray t hat faith enters a new height for you; I pray that your territory is enlarged. I pray for peace, healing, health, happiness, prosperity, joy, true and undying love for God. God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.

God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED - To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be. Dear God: The lady reading this is beautiful, classy and strong, and I love her. Help her live her life to the fullest. Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations. Help her shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love. Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs you the most, and let her know when she walks with you, She will always be safe. Love you Sis!!!!