Monday, November 24, 2008

I am sorry I burned my bra

The other day an amazing friend of mine shared this story. A couple years ago she decided to give the mortgage business a shot. Yes, a tough time to start given what was just beginning to happen in the industry, but she was determined to give it all she had. She had been struggling for a few months getting business generated along with handling the learning curve. Like most of us women she was determined to do it all, successful new career, supporting wife and phenomenal mother. One morning she had to drag herself to work. She had been up most of the night with her sick daughter. Instead of taking the day off, she was determined to build this new business so off she went with bags under her eyes. Within a couple hours a coworker, a generation older, made her way to her desk. She interrupted her and said, “I am sorry”. She preceded to say she was a feminist in the 60’s and burned her bra to put the women of today in this place and for that she is truly sorry.

My friend looked at me and said, “Are we suppose to believe it was the fault of the women before us?” I responded with a flat NO. We are evolving and that was an important era that was to happen exactly that way. What is most important is that we stop this phenomenon with our daughters. It is imperative that we show them that being a woman does not mean we do it all at the high price of losing ourselves. They do not have to live with the mantra: We bring home the bacon; we fry it up in a pan and never never let you forget you’re a man. When and where did we decide that our natural instinct to nurture was not enough? The answer is not important. What is important is that we do have breast and that whether you wear a bra or not does not define who we are. With the support of one Mother to another Mother, we can begin accepting our mind, bodies and spirit just as they are. Don’t you think the world could use some nurturing?

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