Saturday, November 24, 2007

Christmas Shopping

Hello. My name is Sue Marshall. I am a baby baby boomer. My journey I have come to call the journey of the inbetweener. I am the youngest of a group of Americans that are the largest in number and the most wealthy. This group will push the median age into the senior category. By 2011 over 50% of all households in this country will be headed by someone over 50. We have consumed more then any other generation, created definitions for "anti aging" and just recently took on global warming (guilt trip). The purpose of this blog is to have a glimpse into the life of someone who has consumed without guilt and who is now committed to bridging the gap between the boomers and the next generation. With the hopes of leaving this world in better shape than it was upon entering it. It is a difficult task and requires daily guidance from the one person that has always looked after me. With his love I will make a difference.
For the first time in my life I joined the millions of Americans who do the day after Thanksgiving shopping experience. They call this the busiest shopping day, I call it the green eyed monster day. I had nothing special in mind. Did not even go through the ads. I went to assist my daughter as purely a spectator with the credit card. Can you imagine 6:00 am and the lines to check out (yes check out since stores opened at 4:00am) were already around the inside of a LARGE department store. My thoughts watching people buy was where does all the junk go that is replaced by all the new stuff? Can we recycle most of this? Are there people who would look at our old stuff as new and gladly use it? Why do we make things that are obsolete within a few years? Any thoughts out there?

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